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  Welcome to my Q&A. This document tries to answer any questions you may have in regards to this site, or its contents. The questions are in no particular order.

  If you have any questions which could be added to this Q&A or wish to contact me in general, feel free to e-mail me: or, if you prefer, sign my guestbook.

Q:   What is that Mind-it thingy?
A:   Mind-it is a free, automatic Web-surfing robot that keeps track of changes to Web pages that are important to you. When Mind-it detects changes in any of the Web pages you have registered, it sends you e-mail.
  Find out more about Mind-it at the NetMind site.

Q:   I've subscribed to find about changes to one of your pages through NetMind's Mind-it. Sometimes I get e-mail that the page has changed, but I don't see any difference, what's going on?
A:   Well, there are two situations which come to mind that may have this result. One possibility is that I have changed the page, but in a way which is not as obvious to the viewer as it is to the Mind-it robot. These changes could be things such as spelling/typo corrections, updating links, or re-writing the HTML so that the page looks right under as many different WWW browsers as possible.
  Secondly, it could be because the old page is still in your browser's disk cache or on your WWW proxy server. You'll need to reload/refresh the page to get the latest version.
  Find out more about Mind-it at the NetMind site.

Q:   Could you $^%#en well stop sending me e-mail about your site? I don't want to know about it.
A:   No. I'll force you to keep receiving these messages for eternity. Actually, these messages have little to do with me, as they are a free service of NetMind. Information on how to cancel is included with every message that Mind-it sends.
  Find out more about Mind-it at the NetMind site.

Q:   Is it possible to be made aware of changes to your site as a whole, rather than just one page in particular?
A:   Indeed it is. You can do this by registering to be notified of changes to the Site Map page. This page changes every time any other page on the site is altered, so you will therefore be made aware of changes to any part of the site.

Q:   Your first page tries to give me a cookie, what is it used for?
A:   This cookie is being offered by the "WebTracker". I started using the WebTracker when my old counter started resetting itself. Primarily I use it to keep track of how many visitors come to my page. It displays these stats, and also tells me what proportions of visitors are using certain web browsers (eg. IBrowse or Netscape Navigator) and operating systems (eg. AmigaOS, MacOS or Windoze 95/98). It also informs me which top-level domains browsers are visiting from (for example: .au, .nl, .de, .net, .com or .org).
  Webtracker DOES NOT keep records of IP numbers, and CAN NOT be used as the basis of some sort of evil spamming exercise. The only thing I get out of having the WebTracker is an answer as to my curuiosity about how many different people have visited my site. To sum up, it's ultimately useless yet harmless.
  WebTracker is a free service to any site which get less than 500 hits a day (I just squeeze in by around 497 or so :-). You can find out more about the WebTracker at FXweb's site.
  You can also check out my public WebTracker stats. This is basically a compact version of most of the data I acquire through the service. WebTracker Public Statistics.

Q:   What about text-only browsers or those who browse with image loading turned off?
A:   What about them? Well, as far as accessibility is concerned, I hope that my site works well on such systems, if for some reason it doesn't, don't hesitate to contact me and let me know.
  As far as the Webtracker is concerned, it does not keep track of such browsers visiting my site due to the fact that it relies on the loading of a small image. You can find out more about the WebTracker at FXweb's site.

Q:   I want to return to your site, but the URL is way too hard to remember. Any suggestions?
A:   You want to come back!? Well, the best option would be a bookmark. But the site is also accesible using this simpler address:

Q:   Are you aware that "ASS" is an acronym for "Adam Smolarczyk's Site"?
A:   Of course! A while back, I found that "Adam Smolarczyk's Home Page" was a bit too long a name for my purposes, and that my previous attempts at creative names were a bit sad. I decided to go for "Adam Smolarczyk's Site" - fairly short, simple, and with the bonus of possibly being known as "ASS". Great.

Q:   Your web site is really crap, it sucks big time.
A:   That's not really a question, is it? Nor is this an answer.

Q:   Why haven't you answered my e-mail?
A:   Recently there's been a few people e-mailing me who obviously have mis-configured e-mail software, as I received "user unknown" errors when I tried to reply. If you want a reply, It'd be a lot easier if I could get in contact with you. Please check out your mail program set-up if you've sent me mail and haven't received an answer.
  Even if your e-mail config is correct, it's a known fact that not all e-mail gets through, so that's another thing to consider.
  Oh and if your e-mail happens to be offering me a way to make $150,000 a year from home, I don't think I'll be answering it any time soon...

Q:   Why do some people call you "George"?
A:   I can't help you with this question, I'm afraid. If you happen to have arrived at my site through Droopy's page, you'll notice he refers to me as "George" - perhaps you should ask him why he does so.

Q:   Why do you call him "Droopy"?
A:   This person is sometimes also know as "Birron", which is a corruption of his surname. I, on the other hand, am of the opinion that he looks much like the cartoon dog named Droopy. Hence this is what he shall be known as. Also because he keeps calling me "George".

Q:   Why doesn't your site have any Java/ frames/other stupid things?
A:   Because I don't like them, and I don't think any of those would really add a great deal to the site.

Q:   Would you like to buy my Amiga 500 with extra floppy drive?
A:   I really don't think so...

This Revision: � November 4th, 1999.
Originally Created: October 6th, 1997.
This page is a direct result of the boredom of Adam Smolarczyk.